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Beard Oil

OEM & Private Label Beard Oil

Ausmetics OEM & Private Lavel Beard oil can soften the beard and make shaving more comfortable. The formula contains unique plant-derived ingredients and essential oils. It helps to protect skin from shaving discomfort. Ошол эле учурда, it moisturizes the hair roots, strengthens the hairs and prevents breakage.


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oem private label beard oil


① Nourish the beard: Oil can soften and add shine to the hair. It also tames scraggly hairs. In this way your beard will look neater and more styled.

② Add volume: supplement the beard with nutrition to promote growth. It also makes your beard look fuller and lusher. It strengthens the hair roots and prevents hair loss.

③ Organic plant-derived ingredients: non-greasy formula to help keep the skin underneath your beard supple. It also reduces beard dandruff and itch.


  • арган майы: keep the skin moisturized and supple. It is non-greasy, and non-irritating. Naturally extracted, argan oil repairs damaged ends and smooths frizz.
  • The essence of bergamot: nourish the deep layers of the skin and prevent moisture loss and nourish the skin.

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