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OEM & Private Label Hair Serum

Ausmetics OEM & Private Label Hair Serum can stimulate hair growth, thickening the hair.


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oem private label hair serum

Core Ingredients

The natural plant-based ingredients can help restore hair growth, making hair appear fuller, denser and reduce the signs of shedding.

  • Biotin: effectively revitalize hair roots and replenish the scalp, making our hair look healthier.
  • Pea peptide: softens hair and promote hair growth, repairs flat hair.
  • Caffeine: Stimulates hair roots and promotes hair growth and the microcirculation of the scalp
  • Hyaluronic Acid: effectively rejuvenates the hair roots and replenishes the scalp, making hair healthier.
  • Zeramida: connects water molecules and locks moisture in the hair
  • Amino acids: an important part of keratin, providing sufficient nutrition for hair

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