Stillt sem sjálfgefið tungumál


All of our factories have adopted cleanliness standards of class 100,000, and have passed the following: GMPC, ISO22716 Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice certification, FDA registration, Þrír, SGS, TUV, ÞESS, B.V. social responsibility audits, CPSR, TRA, and Dermalogical tests. Ausmetics can provide QA documents such as MSDS, COA and testing reports for clients.

IFSCC Certification

GMPC Certification


FDA Registion





Dermatological Tested



Alibaba Assessment

No Anti-corrosion Patent Certification

Eczema Cream Invention Patent Certification

National High-tech Tnterprise Certification

4 Laboratories

Microbiology Laboratory + Physical & Chemical laboratory + QA Laboratory + Microbiological Challenge Laboratory

Örverufræðirannsóknarstofan og eðlis- og efnarannsóknarstofan bera ábyrgð á daglegum eftirlitshlutum framleiðslustöðvarinnar. Þessir hlutir innihalda pH, seigju, raki, hlutfallslegur þéttleiki, eðlisþyngd, hita og kuldaþol, miðflóttapróf, rafleiðni, bakteríubyggð, mygla, og ger, o.s.frv.

QA laboratory is mainly responsible for the related tests of packaging materials: mainly including yellowing resistance test, compatibility test, adhesion test, a mechanical test of related parts, leak test, compatibility test, specification test, application of laws and regulations, o.s.frv.

The microbiological challenge laboratory is mainly responsible for testing the antiseptic efficacy of new product formulations. The products are transplanted into the cosmetic sample solution after a variety of pathogenic bacteria and their mixed strains are transplanted into the cosmetic sample solution for a culture test, and the antiseptic ability of the cosmetics is evaluated by comparing the identification data. Evaluate the anti-risk ability of cosmetics against microbial contamination.

Incoming Inspection Of Raw Materials/Packaging Materials

Semi-Finished Product Inspection

Process Inspection

Microbiological Inspection Of Finished Products

Final Inspection Of Finished Products


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