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Maskra tax-xagħar

OEM & Private Label Hair Mask

Awsmetiċi OEM & Private Label hair mask specifically improves hair dryness, split ends, and frizz. Hair masks can also improve the health of scalp and increase the strength of hair, reducing oily, knotted and tired hair, repairing hair damages.


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maskra tax-xagħar ta 'tikketta privata OEM


Ausmetics private label hair masks moisturize and nourish your hair. It is rich in 6 serum essences, which can penetrate cells to repair hair scale problems, replenish and prevent the loss of nutrients in the hair. It moisturizes, improves damaged hair, restores suppleness and luster, and maintains the hair’s colour after perm, making your hair soft and easy to comb, and brings out youthful charm.


  • Hair masks contain hair moisturizing ingredients, and fundamentally relieves dryness and split ends caused by a lack of moisture.
  • Combining wheat essence rich in vitamin E and hair care lotions, along with anti-oxidants, Ausmetics hair masks regulate the surface of the hair scales, making hair soft, healthy and shiny.

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