Faataahia ei reo hape

OEM Cosmetics & ODM Cosmetics

Te mau nota:
OEM ODM Cosmetics Manufacturer

E taata hamani aravihi te mau oem no te hamani i te mau tao'a faanehenehe taa ê. Te faaau nei oia i te taatoaraa o te mau huru hamaniraa o te mau tao'a faaunauna, tae noa'tu i te: te faaineineraa matamua o te mau tauihaa, Te hi'opo'araa e te hi'opo'araa i te mau faufaa, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e, e te faahoturaa i te mau tao'a. E te hoê faanahoraa i haamauhia, Te hamani nei te mau taata aravihi e te aravihi i te mau tao'a faanehenehe o te faaî i te mau ture titauhia. Te Mau Mana'o no te Haapiiraa&Tuhaa faatere no te mau hoho'a, Tuhaa faatere no te mau hoho'a, Te Tuhaa faatere no te faatereraa i te mau faufaa, e te Piha Toro'a no te Ohipa Totauturu.

initial processing of raw materials

Te hi'opo'araa e te hi'opo'araa i te mau faufaa

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e

product development

Unleash Beauty with Ausmetics: Your Premier OEM ODM Cosmetics Manufacturer

Welcome to Ausmetics, your trusted partner in the world of beauty. As a distinguished OEM ODM Cosmetics Manufacturer, we offer a comprehensive suite of cosmetic production services, from the meticulous selection and processing of raw materials to the innovative design and filling of your product. Our streamlined operations are powered by a robust organizational structure, featuring dedicated departments for R&D, Supply Chain Management, Comprehensive Management, and Customer Service. I te mau Vahi Hunaraa ma'i, we are not merely a manufacturer; we are a strategic partner committed to delivering superior quality cosmetics that align with your brand’s vision and resonate with your target market. Our unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and partnership sets us apart in the competitive cosmetics industry. Choose Ausmetics, and experience the difference that professional expertise and dedication bring to your cosmetics line.

0 Te mau matahiti

Iteraa rau

0 Te mau matahiti

Level Dust-free GMPC Production Line

0 +

Factory Area

100000 +

Te mau nota


Te mau parau faaite

5 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te 500

Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.

eaha ta tatou e rave

Parau omo'e

'O Ausmetics te hō'ē 'ohipa i roto i te mau fare utuuturaa ma'i no Auteraria., te fenua Taina Guangzhou. Ei taata aravihi i te pae no te hamaniraa i te mau tao'a, e horo'a tatou i te OEM & Te mau ravea rapaauraa i te iri o te hoani mai te tau mai â 1998, e aravihi rahi to'na i roto i te ohipa hamaniraa tauhaa e te hoê faito faahiahia i te pae no te faatereraa i te matini, e nehenehe e pahono i to outou mau hinaaro.

Te mau peu matauhia i te pae no te mau raau taero

Te auraa o te mau aravihi maitatai, o te mau tao'a e te mau ohipa maitatai ïa. Ma te 20+ Te mau matahiti i muri mai i te hoê parau faaau no ni'a i te hamaniraa i te mau tao'a, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa e te aporaa&E nehenehe ta te piha toro'a e hamani i te hoê parau papa'i tei tu'atihia i ni'a i ta outou parau taa ê. Hau atu â, e nehenehe ta tatou e hamani faahou i te hoho'a i niuhia i ni'a i te hoho'a ta outou i hapono, no te pahono i ta outou mau titauraa e te mau titauraa.

Cosmetics Contract Manufacturing

I muri a'e 20 te mau matahiti no te tupuraa, E riro mai te mau raau taero ei tao'a hamani tao'a puai no te rapaau i te iri. Te vai nei ta tatou te hoê tuhaa no te QA e te haponohia nei ta tatou mau tao'a na te ao atoa nei e ua manuïa tatou i te mau hi'opo'araa etaeta mai te DERMA, CPSR, TE MAU PARAU APÎ O TE EKALESIA, ISO 22716 Te mau nota, Te mau nota, e te mau nota.


Te mau mana'o tauturu no te

aupururaa i te tino

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e

aupururaa i te aiû

te aupuru nei te mau tane

aupururaa rima

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te

Hi'o hau atu â

How Ausmetics
Serves Different Customers

Established Brands:

As an established brand, you’re looking to innovate and expand your product lines to stay competitive. You might also want to reformulate existing products to meet changing consumer demands, such as the trend towards natural and organic ingredients.

How We Can Help:

I te mau Vahi Hunaraa ma'i, We can assist with product development and formulation, offering a wide range of options including natural and organic ingredients. We have a team of experienced chemists who can help you create unique, Te mau nota, and safe skincare or cosmetic products that align with your brand identity.

Online Retailers:

As an online retailer, you may want to create your own private label skincare or cosmetic line to differentiate yourself in the competitive online marketplace.

How We
Can Help:

I te mau Vahi Hunaraa ma'i, We can offer a wide range of product options, from cleansers and moisturizers to makeup products. With the ability to customize these products, you can offer your customers unique products that can’t be found elsewhere. Additionally, We can assist with packaging design to ensure your products stand out in the online marketplace.

Medical Professionals, Spas, and Salons:

As a professional in the beauty and wellness industry, you’re looking to create your own line of skincare products that align with the treatments you offer. You need products that are not only effective but also safe for sensitive skin or post-treatment care.

How We Can Help:

I te mau Vahi Hunaraa ma'i, We can develop custom formulations that cater to these specific needs. Ei hi'oraa, creating gentle yet effective skincare products suitable for post-treatment care or sensitive skin. We can also make sure that these products are thoroughly tested and meet all applicable safety standards.


As a startup or individual looking to launch your own skincare or cosmetic brand, you may have innovative ideas but lack the technical expertise or resources to develop and manufacture the products.

How We Can Help:

From product development to manufacturing, our team will guide you through the entire process. With my expertise in creating a wide range of skincare and cosmetic products, We can help bring your vision to life.

In all these scenarios, Ausmetics can provide additional value through my commitment to quality, efficiency, and customer service. By ensuring all products are of high quality, delivered on time, and meeting your unique needs, Ausmetics can help you succeed in the competitive skincare and cosmetics industry.

Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai. - Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e te haapiiraa
Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai. - ausmetics clients kmart
cosmetics contract manufacturers - Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.
Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai. - ausmetics clients ikea
Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai. - Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.c. Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
cosmetics contract manufacturers - Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.&m

oem process

R & D Capability


senior R & D personnel


modern laboratory

Effective profitable

formulations & products

Stay focused on the

efficacy, parururaa, stability and longevity

what testings can we do

Hi'opo'araa i te nuuraa o te ohipa

Te mau hi'opoaraa aueue ore

Our R&D department will conduct stability tests to observe if the product consistency changes over time, e tae noa'tu i te mau tauiraa i roto i te faataa-ê-raa, Te mau hoho'a, Te tuhaa ahuru e te mau ô, te inoraa o te mau raau aore ra te mau tao'a e ravehia i roto i te tino. No te haapapu ïa e mea maitai te tao'a no te hamaniraa. Te rave-tamau-raa i te mau hi'opo'araa, o te haapapû-atoa-raa ïa i te oraraa o te mau tao'a tei oti i te ravehia.

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te

Te mau hi'opo'araa

---Tamataraa no te tuea - ore - raa
Te rave nei tatou i te mau hi'opoaraa no te faataa i te tumu e a mairi ai te tau, e ohipa te pape pu'e i ni'a i te mau materia o te puohu. No te haapapu e mea maitai anei ta tatou ravea e te puohu, e rave ta tatou mau rave'a aravihi i te mau hi'opo'araa no te hi'opo'a i te huru o te tereraa o te ohipa, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, e te mau tauiraa atoa o te puohu i roto i te 7 Te mau nota, 2 te mau hepetoma, 4 te mau hepetoma, 8 te mau hepetoma, 12 Te mau hepetoma i muri mai, i raro a'e i te mau huru tamataraa taa ê.

---Hi'opo'araa i te nuuraa o te
No te haapapu i te huru maitai roa ' ' e, e rave tatou i te mau hi'opo'araa i ni'a i te mau puohu no te ite mai i te mau fifi mai te taheraa toto. I te rahiraa o te taime, e haamau'a ta matou tuhaa faatere 48 Te mau hora i ni'a i te hi'opo'araa. E hi'opoa - atoa - hia te buka no te haapapu e ua î roa te pape i te pape no te faatano i te reira i nia i te mau parau i papaihia.

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te mau nota
Hi'opo'araa i te nuuraa o te

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te
Te mau nota
Te tamataraa fifi

E ravehia te mau hi'opo'araa no te haapapû e, ua tano te mau faatureraa i titauhia, te haapapûraa e, e manuïa te mau rave'a aravihi i roto i te oraraa o te mau tauihaa.

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te

Te mau hoho'a
Te rapaauraa i te mau ma'i

E tauturu matou i te mau hoani ia horo'a i te mau hi'opo'araa i te toru o te pŭpŭ no te mau hi'opo'araa Derma mai te mea e titauhia. E hi'opoahia te mau tao'a no te rapaau i te iri e te mau taote rapaau i te iri no te haapapu e mea maitai anei te reira no te mau huru iri atoa e eita te reira e faatupu i te riri o te iri.

certification & testings

Ausmetics factories are certified with the cosmetics GMP quality management system, ISO22716 cosmetics approval and High-tech Enterprises certificate, aduited by international third-party (Sedex, Te moni,B.V. TE MAU NOTA).

Ausmetics products can pass third-party testing like SGS, Dermatologist Test , CPSR, to ensure the products are safe and comply with the regulation of different countries.




Ua riro te haaputuraa i te moni ei taviri no te manuïaraa o te mau taiete atoa. Ua aufau a'ena te hoê taata aravihi i te pae no te hamaniraa tauihaa i te mau haamâu'araa no te hooraa mai i te mau tauihaa hamaniraa tauihaa, haamauraa i te mau reni hamaniraa e te mau piha raveraa ohipa. No reira, e nehenehe ta te mau hoani e faaherehere i te tahi atu â mau rave'a no te faatumu i ni'a i te tupuraa o te mau tauihaa, Te paturaa e te faateiteiraa, e te haapiipiiraa i te feia rave ohipa.


Ia faaohipa ana'e outou i te hoê fare hamaniraa tao'a OEM, e tape'a outou i te mau tapa'o e te mau ti'araa mana atoa no ni'a i ta outou mau opuaraa e ta outou mau rave'a. Eita noa outou e fatu i te mau tiaraa o te fenua no te mau tao'a e te mau mana'o, e mana hope atoa to outou i ni'a ia ratou. E nehenehe ta outou e taui i te hoo, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, hoho'a e aore râ, faahitiraa parau i te mau taime atoa.


Te horo'a nei matou i te mau rave'a tauturu maitai roa no te pahono i te mau hinaaro o te mau hoani e no te faatupu i te mau rave'a. Ta tatou taviniraa o te: Te mau nota, Mana'o Tauturu i te Haapiiraa, Hoho'a pia, Te mau nota, e te hoho'a. Ma te hi'opoa i te huru o te feia hoo e te huru o te matete, Te faanahoraa i te mau parau e te faanahoraa i te mau tauihaa, E nehenehe ta te pŭpŭ taata aravihi e haamaitai i te tupuraa o te mau tao'a e e horo'a i te ite e te aravihi i ni'a i te mau raveraa maitai roa a'e, Te taime e te haponoraa; te mau rave'a aravihi e te mau rave'a aravihi roa a'e; e te tahi atoa mau hi'oraa no te mau hoani no te faatere i te mau tamataraa matamua i roto i te vahi hamaniraa tauhaa.


Ua taa ia tatou e, e mea iti roa te mau 10,000 e nehenehe te reira e riro ei mea teimaha no te mau taiete e haamata ra. No reira tatou e pûpû ai i ta tatou patururaa na roto i te mau mea i muri nei 2 Te mau rave'a: E nehenehe ta outou e poro'i 2 SKUs e te hoê â mau mohina puohu, e mea taa ê râ te mau puohu, te auraa ra, e manuïa 5,000 Te mau Mana'o Tauturu no te Haapiiraa e te A. Poro'iraa 10,000 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e te haapiiraa 5,000 Te mau nota, te toe'a 5,000 e horo'ahia te mau haamaitairaa i muri iho i roto i te 2 te mau ava'e.


Te turu nei te mau taata no te mau fenua ěê i te mau taiete tuiroo i te pae no te mau tao'a materia e te mau taiete no'ano'a., mai te BASF, Te mau nota, DOW, DSM, Seppic, AkzoNobel, IFF, e Givaudan. Te vai nei ta tatou mau titauraa etaeta no te parururaa i ni'a i te mau materia atoa no te fenua Peretane mai, Te mau Hau Amui no Marite, Tapone, Auteraria, Paniora, Afirita Too'a o te ra, Europa, e e rave rahi atu â mau tuhaa fenua; e tae mai te mau materia atoa e te MSDS (Api no te parururaa i te materia), COA (Te hi'opoaraa i te mau tuhaa) e te tahi atu mau parau faaite no te hi'opo'araa. A tia'i noa'tu ai, Te vai ra ta te ausmetics te hoê faanahoraa CM database puai, Te mau haamaramaramaraa no ni'a i te haponoraa i te mau haamaramaramaraa na roto i te fenua. Maoti te reira e nehenehe ai e pahono oioi i te mau uiraa no nia i te mau huru tauihaa taa ê o te puohu. E pahono oioi a'e te mau pahonoraa i te mau uiraa i te mau hoho'a, e te rahiraa o te taime, e pahonohia te mau uiraa i roto i te 3 Te mau nota. Te taime matamua no te mau mohina uraina, Te mau nota, e te hi'o o te 25 Te mau nota, e e ohipa taa ê mau teie 35 Te mau nota. I te hoê â taime, Ua rau te huru o te mau ravea no te hamani i te mau tauihaa i faaohipahia no te puohu i te reira., tae noa'tu i te mau tapa'o, Te nene'iraa i te hoho'a, e te ahu ve'ave'a.


Ua faaoti papu te mau aiû i te rave i ta tatou mau hopoia parururaa i te natura. Te faarirohia ra te parururaa i te natura mai te hoê tuhaa faufaa roa o te ravea faahoturaa tamau a te taiete. We have always adhered to the service tenet of “Turn your ideas into great products”, e ua faaohipa rahi ratou i te parururaa i te natura. E nehenehe te mau tao'a faanehenehe aus oem e horoa mai i te mau tao'a faanehenehe 100% Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa. Te tutava nei tatou i te taui i te huru o te tino e te horoa nei tatou i te mau parau e ere i te mea tamoni, sulphate tamoni ore, silicone-ti'amâ, TE MAU PARAU APÎ O TE EKALESIA &TE MAU PARAU APÎ O TE EKALESIA, te hinu e ere i te mea taero e te hinu tamara tamoni ore. I roto i te mau materia no te puohu, e nehenehe ta tatou e horo'a i te 100% te mau puohu e te mau puohu e vai ra i roto te mau tauihaa no te parururaa i te natura. I te hoê â taime, ua haamau atoa tatou i te hoê anairaa ravea rapaauraa i te pape ino no te faaohipa maitai i te pape ino na roto i te inoraa i te pae tino e te inoraa o te tino.


Eiaha e taiâ i te farerei mai ia matou i ni'a i ta outou mau uiraa e e ho'i mai matou i roto 24 Te mau hora.

A tiamâ mai i teie nei