Faataahia ei reo hape

Te mau tao'a e ere i te mea faufaa roa

E nehenehe te mau hoho'a e tauturu i te mau hoani i roto i te mau tuhaa i muri nei:


E nehenehe te feia hoo e hamani i te mau tao'a ma te faaohipa i ta ratou iho mau tapao.


E nehenehe te mau tao'a e hamanihia ia au i te mau hoho'a i maitihia.


E nehenehe te mau tao'a e hamanihia ma te faaohipa i ta ratou parau.


E nehenehe te mau taata e hoo mai i te mau tao'a hamanihia e ta ratou iho mau tauihaa.


Te vai ra ta te feia hoo tao'a te mau tao'a tei faaîhia e tei faaineinehia e ta ratou iho mau tauihaa.


E nehenehe e faanaho i te mau parau faturaa ia au i te ti'araa e te mau titauraa a te mau hoani.


E nehenehe e hamani i te mau materia ia au i te mau titauraa a te mau hoani, e te mau afata puohu, Te mau nota, e nehenehe e nene'i e e hamani i te mau hoho'a mai te au i te hinaaro o te taata hoê.


E nehenehe atoa e faanaho i te mau ravea tapihooraa.

Your Trusted Private Label Cosmetics Manufacturer Elevating Beauty Standards Globally

Discover Ausmetics, a renowned private label cosmetics manufacturer that is revolutionizing the beauty landscape. Na roto i te tahi atu rave'a 22 years of experience, we are more than manufacturerswe are creators, innovators, and trendsetters. Our expertise spans across personal skincare, Te mau nota & aupururaa i te aiû, e te mau tauihaa tamâraa fare, each meticulously crafted to meet your brand’s unique needs. I te mau Vahi Hunaraa ma'i, we believe in the power of beauty that goes beyond the surface. Our products are a fusion of science and nature, designed to deliver exceptional results while respecting our planet. We source the finest ingredients, employ sustainable practices, and leverage cutting-edge technologies to create products that are not only effective but also eco-friendly. But we don’t stop at creating outstanding products. We partner with brands to help them grow, offering tailored solutions that align with their vision and goals. With Ausmetics, you’re not just choosing a manufacturer; you’re choosing a partner committed to your brand’s success.

What we do

Custom Formulations

Unleash the power of bespoke beauty with Ausmetics. Our team of seasoned chemists and skincare innovators are at your disposal to transform your vision into a tangible product. We delve into the heart of emerging trends, ground-breaking ingredients, and avant-garde technology to craft unique, high-performing products that will catapult your brand to the forefront of the cosmetics industry.

Te haapapuraa maitai

I te mau Vahi Hunaraa ma'i, ‘qualityis our mantra. We are unwavering in our commitment to uphold the highest standards of quality assurance at every step. From the meticulous selection of top-tier, ethically-sourced ingredients to the relentless testing of our final products, we leave no stone unturned in ensuring that every product we manufacture is synonymous with safety, reliability, and excellence.

Product Manufacturing

With Ausmetics, you’re not just choosing a manufacturer; you’re aligning with a partner who is as invested in your brand’s triumph as you are. Our cutting-edge manufacturing facilities are primed to cater to both boutique and large-scale production needs with unmatched precision and efficiency. We employ sophisticated production techniques and stringent quality control checks to guarantee that every product we produce is of unparalleled quality, delivered punctually, and within your budget.

Labeling & Packaging

I te mau Vahi Hunaraa ma'i, we believe that packaging is the prologue to your brand’s story. Our creative mavens work hand-in-hand with you to design and produce striking, environmentally-friendly packaging that not only safeguards your product but also captivates your target audience. From the intricacies of label design to the selection of packaging materials, we ensure every detail is a reflection of your brand’s ethos and commitment to the environment.


Te mau mana'o tauturu no te

aupururaa i te tino

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e

aupururaa i te aiû

te aupuru nei te mau tane

aupururaa rima

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te

Te mau mana'o tauturu no te

Hi'o hau atu â

Who we serve


No te ma'iti i te mau materia natura maitai roa a'e i te ao nei, Te faaite ra te mau hoho'a i te mau faaauraa parau no nia i te rave - amui - raa i te ohipa e te Aua beretane Fairking Botanical Garden, Aua Olive matie no Auteralia, e Hubei Zaoyang Rose Garden no te haapapû e, te mau materia atoa ta tatou e faaohipa nei, aita ïa e haaviiviiraa i roto i te taime tanuraa, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, Te hamaniraa e te hamaniraa. Te tutava nei te feia hoo tao'a i te haapapu e e parau mau anei te mau tao'a e vai ra i roto i te mau tao'a no te hamani i te mau vegan, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, Te mau tao'a tamoni ore e te mau tao'a faanehenehe.


safety standard

Hi'opo'araa i te nuuraa o te ohipa i roto i te hi'opo'araa toru

Ua ma'iri te mau mea atoa 22716 e te faanahoraa no te faatereraa i te mau faufaa.

Na roto i te mau rave'a hi'opo'araa i te tereraa o te ohipa, ta tatou mau rave'a hi'opo'araa maitai roa (TE MAU NOTA, TE MAU NOTA, B.V.) e rave rahi tei faarirohia ei mau tino paruru i te mau fenua atoa.

Te vai ra 4 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa i raro a'e i ta tatou pû hi'opo'araa, tae noa'tu i te: Te maimiraa i te pae no te tuatapaparaa i te mau mea ora, Te mau piha maimiraa i te pae tino e i te pae o te mau tao'a, Te tuuraa i te mau tauihaa i roto i te mau piha maimiraa i te pae no te mau tauihaa e te mau piha maimiraa i te pae no te mau tau.

certification & testings

Ausmetics factories are certified with the cosmetics GMP quality management system, ISO22716 cosmetics approval and High-tech Enterprises certificate, aduited by international third-party (Sedex, Te moni,B.V. TE MAU NOTA).

Ausmetics products can pass third-party testing like SGS, Dermatologist Test , CPSR, to ensure the products are safe and comply with the regulation of different countries.

how to work with us



O te mea ïa ta matou e faaohipa nei no te taui i to outou mau mana'o ei tao'a o te tano maitai i ta outou mau tiairaa. Te taahiraa matamua o te OEM, oia ho'i, ia maramarama matou i ta outou mau opuaraa e te mau faatureraa i titauhia.



To tatou vahi&E faatupu e e faaohipa te mau pŭpŭ autahu'araa i te mau rave'a no outou. E rave rahi ta tatou mau piha maimiraa taa ê e te mau fare aravihi no te haereraa i mua.



E paraparau atu matou ia outou eaha te mau farii e te mau puohu e tano maitai i ta outou mau parau tapa'opa'oraa.



E haapapû tatou e, te mau ture teitei roa a'e, tei te huru ïa o te mau mea i oti i te ravehia. Teie te mau faatureraa: ISO9001, 14001 e 22716 (CGMP). Ua tapa'ohia ta matou mau fare pureraa. E ravehia te mau ravea hi'opoaraa maitai no te haapapu e te ohipa ra te mau fare i raro a'e i te mau ture etaeta.



E faaîhia te mau mea maitai i roto i te vairaa o ta outou mau ma'itiraa. E tuuhia ïa te reira i roto i te mau afata e te mau afata tei ineine no te hoo mai i te mau tauihaa.



E tupu te mau ravea hi'opoaraa maitai i te roaraa o te hamaniraa. E ravehia te reira no te haapapu e e faaî anei te mau tao'a i oti i ta outou mau titauraa.



Te vai nei te mau pû ohiparaa e te mau pahi na te ao atoa nei mai tei anihia.



Ua riro te haaputuraa i te moni ei taviri no te manuïaraa o te mau taiete atoa. Ua aufau a'ena te hoê taata aravihi i te pae no te hamaniraa tauihaa i te mau haamâu'araa no te hooraa mai i te mau tauihaa hamaniraa tauihaa, haamauraa i te mau reni hamaniraa e te mau piha raveraa ohipa. No reira, e nehenehe ta te mau hoani e faaherehere i te tahi atu â mau rave'a no te faatumu i ni'a i te tupuraa o te mau tauihaa, Te paturaa e te faateiteiraa, e te haapiipiiraa i te feia rave ohipa.


Ia faaohipa ana'e outou i te hoê fare hamaniraa tao'a OEM, e tape'a outou i te mau tapa'o e te mau ti'araa mana atoa no ni'a i ta outou mau opuaraa e ta outou mau rave'a. Eita noa outou e fatu i te mau tiaraa o te fenua no te mau tao'a e te mau mana'o, e mana hope atoa to outou i ni'a ia ratou. E nehenehe ta outou e taui i te hoo, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, hoho'a e aore râ, faahitiraa parau i te mau taime atoa.


Te horo'a nei matou i te mau rave'a tauturu maitai roa no te pahono i te mau hinaaro o te mau hoani e no te faatupu i te mau rave'a. Ta tatou taviniraa o te: Te mau nota, Mana'o Tauturu i te Haapiiraa, Hoho'a pia, Te mau nota, e te hoho'a. Ma te hi'opoa i te huru o te feia hoo e te huru o te matete, Te faanahoraa i te mau parau e te faanahoraa i te mau tauihaa, E nehenehe ta te pŭpŭ taata aravihi e haamaitai i te tupuraa o te mau tao'a e e horo'a i te ite e te aravihi i ni'a i te mau raveraa maitai roa a'e, Te taime e te haponoraa; te mau rave'a aravihi e te mau rave'a aravihi roa a'e; e te tahi atoa mau hi'oraa no te mau hoani no te faatere i te mau tamataraa matamua i roto i te vahi hamaniraa tauhaa.


Ua taa ia tatou e, e mea iti roa te mau 10,000 e nehenehe te reira e riro ei mea teimaha no te mau taiete e haamata ra. No reira tatou e pûpû ai i ta tatou patururaa na roto i te mau mea i muri nei 2 Te mau rave'a: E nehenehe ta outou e poro'i 2 SKUs e te hoê â mau mohina puohu, e mea taa ê râ te mau puohu, te auraa ra, e manuïa 5,000 Te mau Mana'o Tauturu no te Haapiiraa e te A. Poro'iraa 10,000 Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e te haapiiraa 5,000 Te mau nota, te toe'a 5,000 e horo'ahia te mau haamaitairaa i muri iho i roto i te 2 te mau ava'e.


Te turu nei te mau taata no te mau fenua ěê i te mau taiete tuiroo i te pae no te mau tao'a materia e te mau taiete no'ano'a., mai te BASF, Te mau nota, DOW, DSM, Seppic, AkzoNobel, IFF, e Givaudan. Te vai nei ta tatou mau titauraa etaeta no te parururaa i ni'a i te mau materia atoa no te fenua Peretane mai, Te mau Hau Amui no Marite, Tapone, Auteraria, Paniora, Afirita Too'a o te ra, Europa, e e rave rahi atu â mau tuhaa fenua; e tae mai te mau materia atoa e te MSDS (Api no te parururaa i te materia), COA (Te hi'opoaraa i te mau tuhaa) e te tahi atu mau parau faaite no te hi'opo'araa. A tia'i noa'tu ai, Te vai ra ta te ausmetics te hoê faanahoraa CM database puai, Te mau haamaramaramaraa no ni'a i te haponoraa i te mau haamaramaramaraa na roto i te fenua. Maoti te reira e nehenehe ai e pahono oioi i te mau uiraa no nia i te mau huru tauihaa taa ê o te puohu. E pahono oioi a'e te mau pahonoraa i te mau uiraa i te mau hoho'a, e te rahiraa o te taime, e pahonohia te mau uiraa i roto i te 3 Te mau nota. Te taime matamua no te mau mohina uraina, Te mau nota, e te hi'o o te 25 Te mau nota, e e ohipa taa ê mau teie 35 Te mau nota. I te hoê â taime, Ua rau te huru o te mau ravea no te hamani i te mau tauihaa i faaohipahia no te puohu i te reira., tae noa'tu i te mau tapa'o, Te nene'iraa i te hoho'a, e te ahu ve'ave'a.


Ua faaoti papu te mau aiû i te rave i ta tatou mau hopoia parururaa i te natura. Te faarirohia ra te parururaa i te natura mai te hoê tuhaa faufaa roa o te ravea faahoturaa tamau a te taiete. We have always adhered to the service tenet of “Turn your ideas into great products”, e ua faaohipa rahi ratou i te parururaa i te natura. E nehenehe te mau tao'a faanehenehe aus oem e horoa mai i te mau tao'a faanehenehe 100% Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa. Te tutava nei tatou i te taui i te huru o te tino e te horoa nei tatou i te mau parau e ere i te mea tamoni, sulphate tamoni ore, silicone-ti'amâ, TE MAU PARAU APÎ O TE EKALESIA &TE MAU PARAU APÎ O TE EKALESIA, te hinu e ere i te mea taero e te hinu tamara tamoni ore. I roto i te mau materia no te puohu, e nehenehe ta tatou e horo'a i te 100% te mau puohu e te mau puohu e vai ra i roto te mau tauihaa no te parururaa i te natura. I te hoê â taime, ua haamau atoa tatou i te hoê anairaa ravea rapaauraa i te pape ino no te faaohipa maitai i te pape ino na roto i te inoraa i te pae tino e te inoraa o te tino.

No ni'a i te moQ

Ta tatou MOQ per SKU, tei te huru ïa o te faanahoraa e te mau materia no te puohu.




10,000 Te mau nota


30,000 Te mau nota

No ni'a i te tapau auri

Te mana'o nei tatou e, e mea ti'a ia tatou ia rave i te 45-50 te mau mahana i muri mai i te amuiraa, ua haamauhia te mau hoho'a no te PI e te mau hoho'a.

A tiamâ mai i teie nei